Why Should I Prioritize Resistance Training...

Why Should I Prioritize Resistance Training Over Cardio?

Let’s Talk Cardio (more…)

Jan 7, 2021

Managing Stress is a Priority Over...

Managing Stress is a Priority Over Exercise

All of us have experienced stress from time to time. Stress can have many origins. It can...

Jan 6, 2021

How Can I Stay on my...

How Can I Stay on my Weightlifting Routine if I Can’t Go to a Gym?

I will admit, when the lockdown first happened I panicked a little. Sure, I had some bands...

Jan 5, 2021

What are the Top Benefits of...

What are the Top Benefits of Resistance Training?

We are a very sedentary population these days. Between sitting at work, stuck in quarantine, or sitting...

Jan 4, 2021

The Pros and Cons of Incorporating...

The Pros and Cons of Incorporating Cardio Into Your Workout Routine

Like everything in the fitness world, cardio is a useful tool to implement depending on your goals....

Jan 1, 2021

How Much Cardio Should I be...

How Much Cardio Should I be Doing if I Want to Get Shredded?

The quicker answer is as little as possible. Cardio is more of a tool to utilize when...

Dec 31, 2020

How to Become a Trainer

How to Become a Trainer

If you are an aspiring personal trainer, you probably have a passion for helping others. Chances are...

Dec 30, 2020

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

What are the Benefits of Meditation?

Nowadays, when you read an Instagram post from your favorite fitness “influencer” or tune into a health...

Dec 29, 2020

Which is Best – Mobility or...

Which is Best – Mobility or Stretching?

Imagine you just got to the gym, and you head to the mat area to "warm-up" and...

Dec 28, 2020

Modern Health Problems

Modern Health Problems

If you’re a personal trainer, take some time to reflect on why you became one. Maybe you...

Dec 28, 2020

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