What Kind of Diet Plan Should Women Have in Order to Lose Weight?

Jan 12, 2021 mindpump

If you are looking to lose weight, you need to move more and consume less calories. Both your activity and diet impact what you weigh and how you look. When it comes to exercise, resistance training will provide you with the best and longest lasting results. When it comes diet, on the other hand, the answer can seem much more complicated. There is so much conflicting information out there about women and weight loss. A simple online search of ‘diets for women’ will provide you with an overwhelming amount of information. And, to further complicate matters, much of the information can be confusing and seemingly contradictory. So, how do you decide which diet plan will work best to help you lose weight? Is there one diet option that works the best for women looking to shed a few pounds? The truth is that there are a number of different diets that can help women lose weight. Intermittent fasting, low carb, or simply keeping track of your calories are all potential options for losing weight. There is not a ‘magic diet’ that will work for every woman. Instead, there are some elements that all successful dieting plans have in common: creates a calorie deficit, includes whole foods, can be tailored to individual needs, and is sustainable.

Diet plan that creates a calorie deficit

A successful diet needs to create a calorie deficit. The process of determining how many calories you need can be confusing. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to get a rough estimate of how many calories you should be eating to maintain function and achieve weight loss. A simple option is to download an app such as MyFitnessPal. The app will help you determine your calorie needs based off of information you include such as your gender, age, current weight, and overall goals. Once you understand how many calories you should aim for each day/week you can find an eating plan that allows you to stay within that range. Want to learn more about how to use a calorie deficit to lose weight? Check out the article, Best Way to Cut Calories to Lose Weight.

Diet plan that is primarily whole foods

It is true that there are a number of different ways to approach dieting and find success. However, you simply will not get and maintain the results you want if your diet is primarily based off of highly processed, super palatable foods. You can eat crap and stay within your calorie allotment but your body will not function at its highest level on low quality foods. Any diet you choose should include primarily whole foods that provide you with the fiber and other nutrients that your body needs.

Diet plan that is tailored to individual needs

The diets that provide women with the best weight loss results are those that can be tailored to individual needs. Each body is different. You may struggle on a diet that is extremely high in protein while someone else will thrive. People have food allergies and intolerances that impact what they can eat and how much. Fasting can make eating well easier for some while it leads to a preoccupation with food for other people. Just because a specific eating plan worked for another women does not mean that it is the right option for you. Look for a plan that has flexibility in it so you can tailor it to your specific needs.

Diet plan that is sustainable

There is no end to the crazy dieting fads that can lead to short term weight loss. The list of diets that lead to sustainable weight loss for women is much shorter. Ultimately, diet fads that cause you to lose weight only to gain it back are a complete waste of your time and effort. Losing weight more slowly with a plan that is sustainable will, ultimately, provide you with better results. Take a long-term view when you are looking at diet options for losing weight and pick a plan that you can stick with over time.

Losing weight is a process. There is no magic pill, special diet, or secret plan that will get you the results you want more quickly. The best diet for weight loss is one that meets the criteria outlined above. Adding in resistance training will accelerate your efforts and make it easier to maintain your results. Starting this process with an understanding of what actually works will help you set realistic goals and make continual progress toward them.

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