Why Can’t I Seem to Lose...

Why Can’t I Seem to Lose More Weight?

Hit a wall in your weight loss efforts? Don't fret; we've all been there. Here are some...

Sep 16, 2022

Is Weight Loss More Difficult for...

Is Weight Loss More Difficult for Women?

I'll come straight out and say it, yes, it's a little harder for women to lose weight...

Sep 14, 2022

How Personal Trainers Can Set Their...

How Personal Trainers Can Set Their Clients up for Long-Term Success

Getting a client and helping them lose weight or achieve a short-term goal is one thing. It’s...

Sep 12, 2022

What Rep Range Should I do...

What Rep Range Should I do if I Want to Pack on Muscle?

All the ranges! That’s your answer. (more…)

Sep 9, 2022

Top 3 Misconceptions of Cardio Training

Top 3 Misconceptions of Cardio Training

When I ask most people why they spend so much time doing cardio, they all give a...

Sep 7, 2022

Why You Need to Make Weight...

Why You Need to Make Weight Training a Priority in Your Weekly Routine

Walking into the gym for the 1st time can be intimidating. At first glance, everybody looks like...

Sep 2, 2022

How to Spot a Terrible Personal...

How to Spot a Terrible Personal Trainer

There are a ton of trainers at every gym. There is also a TON of turnover at...

Aug 31, 2022

Don’t Make Weight Loss Complicated

Don’t Make Weight Loss Complicated

There are a ton of diets out there. There is a ton of advice your friends and...

Aug 29, 2022

Is Personal Training the Best Career...

Is Personal Training the Best Career Choice for me?

Personal training is a great career choice if the schedule flexibility, and money aren’t the top two...

Aug 26, 2022

The Best Way to Quickly Build...

The Best Way to Quickly Build Muscle

The Mind Pump philosophy is adding muscle to your body is the best way to improve the...

Aug 24, 2022

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