How Should You Workout Before and...

How Should You Workout Before and During Pregnancy?

Are you gearing up for building a family and feel excited and ready to take the next...

Oct 28, 2020

Are Sprints a Good Form of...

Are Sprints a Good Form of Cardio for Fat Loss?

In short, yes, sprints are a good form of cardio for fat loss. Having said that, they...

Oct 27, 2020

Is Improving Mobility Important for Alleviating...

Is Improving Mobility Important for Alleviating Back Pain?

Most people get back pain from overcompensating, by using muscles, and areas of the body that aren’t...

Oct 27, 2020

Losing Weight After Pregnancy: 5 Steps...

Losing Weight After Pregnancy: 5 Steps to Follow

Losing weight always comes with some challenges. Losing weight after pregnancy comes with extra challenges. After pregnancy,...

Oct 26, 2020

3 Things You Can do to...

3 Things You Can do to Fight Chronic Pain

Most Americans suffer from chronic pain. In fact the latest research says 100 million Americans suffer from...

Oct 22, 2020

Top 5 Things You Should NOT...

Top 5 Things You Should NOT do as a Personal Trainer

At first glance, becoming a personal trainer sounds like the dream. You make your own hours, you...

Oct 22, 2020

The TVA and Your Hip Flexors:...

The TVA and Your Hip Flexors: Smaller Waist and More Core Definition

The core muscles. These muscles surround your midsection beginning at your lower ribcage and go down to...

Oct 21, 2020

Resistance Training During Pregnancy?

Resistance Training During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy causes your body to change quickly and dramatically. Despite the changes that are happening, your body...

Oct 19, 2020

What is the Most Effective Way...

What is the Most Effective Way to Lose Body Fat After Having a Baby?

After having a baby, many women struggle to lose the extra weight from pregnancy and achieve an...

Oct 16, 2020

Tips for the Stomach Vacuum (Shrink...

Tips for the Stomach Vacuum (Shrink your waist)

There are a wide range of goals people can have when it comes to their workouts and...

Oct 15, 2020

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