Losing Weight After Pregnancy: 5 Steps to Follow

Oct 26, 2020 mindpump

Losing weight always comes with some challenges. Losing weight after pregnancy comes with extra challenges. After pregnancy, it takes time for your body to heal and hormone levels to get back to normal. You also have a new baby to care for and may be functioning off of less sleep than normal. It is true that there are extra challenges when it comes to losing weight after pregnancy. However, it is possible to get the weight off and get back to your pre-pregnancy fitness level. Realistic expectations and a high-quality plan will help you get on your way toward losing the baby weight.

Give your body time to heal

It is normal to want to lose weight after pregnancy as quickly as possible. Being at a healthy weight not only impacts how you look but how you feel. However, your body goes through a lot during pregnancy and the birthing process. Before you start any type of fitness program for weight loss it is important to give your body time to heal. Getting an injury because you jumped in too quickly can be a major setback. Listen to your body and follow the advice of your doctor. Many women are able to jump back into a workout routine without any restrictions by the six-week postpartum mark.

Set a realistic calorie goal

The food you eat will have a big impact on how much weight you lose after pregnancy. If you are breast feeding it is important to take that into account as you come up with a calorie goal. In order to lose weight, you need to expend more calories than you take in. However, if you cut your calorie intake too low your body will start conserving calories by reducing your metabolism. You must find the right balance in order to continue moving toward your goal. When nursing, the number of calories you naturally expend will be a little higher. Setting a realistic calorie goal will make it easier for you to stick with the plan and make it possible for you to continue breast feeding successfully. If you need more guidance on nutrition, take a look at the Intuitive Nutrition Guide.

Focus on mobility

In the weeks and months after giving birth your body will be adjusting back to normal. As your body prepared to give birth it was flooded with hormones designed to get it ready for giving birth. One of those hormones is called relaxin. Relaxin loosens up your ligaments and muscles to accommodate the birthing process. This hormone can remain in your body for weeks or months after giving birth. Loose ligaments and muscles can decrease your stability and increase your chances of injury. As you ease into a workout program after pregnancy, take some time to focus on mobility and stability to ensure that it is no longer being impacted by relaxin.

Do not overdo cardio

Cardio is often a go-to exercise option for people who want to lose weight. Everyone needs some cardio to maintain good heart health. However, too much cardio can cause your body to adapt and start slowing your metabolism. If your goal is to lose weight after pregnancy, do not overdo the cardio. It is fine to include it in your workout routine but do not make cardio the primary focus of your weight loss effort. You can read about this topic more in depth on the Mind Pump Media blog.

Focus on strength training

Strength training is the best way to lose weight and maintain your results after pregnancy. Following a quality strength training plan will help you speed up your metabolism and make losing weight and keeping it off much easier. As you build muscle, the number of calories you burn at rest will increase. Resistance training sends a signal to your body to repair and grow which is the response you want if weight loss is your goal.

Once you have the all-clear from your doctor it is time to get started with a nutrition and training plan designed to provide results. At MAPS Fitness, we have a long list of programs created for a wide range of fitness goals – including weight loss. If you are new to strength training, a great place to start is with MAPS Starter or MAPS Anywhere.

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