What are the Best Workouts for...

What are the Best Workouts for Men Over 40?

As we get older our bodies don’t bounce back like they used to. With each decade that...

Nov 5, 2021

Should Personal Trainers Provide Clients With...

Should Personal Trainers Provide Clients With a Nutrition Plan?

I’d like to start off by saying without a nutrition degree, or being a certified nutritionist, no...

Nov 3, 2021

Why Women Don’t Need to do...

Why Women Don’t Need to do Cardio

“I want to look toned” is hands down the biggest request I’ve had from female clients across...

Nov 1, 2021

The Best Way to Build Strength...

The Best Way to Build Strength in the Gym Fast

Not everyone’s goal in the gym is to look like a bodybuilder. Some people want to focus...

Oct 29, 2021

Can Chronic Back Pain be Caused...

Can Chronic Back Pain be Caused by Your Diet?

People think of chronic pain as simply an injury caused by working out. While that definitely plays...

Oct 28, 2021

Do I Need to go to...

Do I Need to go to a Gym if I Want to Gain Muscle?

Going to the gym may be the most straightforward way of gaining muscle but it is by...

Oct 25, 2021

Why Resistance Training is the Best...

Why Resistance Training is the Best Form of Exercise to Fight Weight Gain

As we get older the biggest worry we have when it comes to health is not letting...

Oct 21, 2021

How Often Should Women Lift Weights?

How Often Should Women Lift Weights?

The idea that lifting weights is something exclusively for men is an old notion. The science behind...

Oct 19, 2021

Getting Back into Your Fitness Routine...

Getting Back into Your Fitness Routine After Having a Baby

To say that life changes after having a baby is quite an understatement. In fact, for many...

Oct 15, 2021

What Type of Diet is Best...

What Type of Diet is Best for Women’s Weight Loss?

Weight loss is a common goal for women who embark on a fitness journey. Having a child...

Oct 13, 2021

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