Strength Training Tips for Someone Just...

Strength Training Tips for Someone Just Getting Started

We’ve all experienced being new. My first day of kindergarten, I panicked and told my classmates I...

Jul 19, 2024

Is it Hard to Achieve a...

Is it Hard to Achieve a Bodybuilder-like Physique?

Achieving a bodybuilder-like physique can be a challenging task, depending on what your definition and goal is....

Jul 17, 2024

Is HIIT the Best Way to...

Is HIIT the Best Way to Achieve Maximum Fat Loss in a Short Time?

HIIT training has been popular for its efficient way at burning calories in the least amount of...

Jul 15, 2024

How Often Should I Lift Weights...

How Often Should I Lift Weights to Get Big?

If getting big is your goal, then you are referring to hypertrophy. That is packing on lots...

Jul 12, 2024

How Do I Know if I...

How Do I Know if I am a True Hardgainer?

I used to think I was a hardgainer. In retrospect, I was just a 16-year-old kid with...

Jul 10, 2024

Hardgainer Life – Why Can’t I...

Hardgainer Life – Why Can’t I Gain Muscle?

So, you found a 12 lb. kettlebell at Goodwill for six bucks and have been flinging it...

Jul 8, 2024

Does Strength Training Put You in...

Does Strength Training Put You in a Better Mood?

More and more science is proving how much better resistance training is at improving mood, cognitive function,...

Jul 5, 2024

Caution All HIIT Lovers

Caution All HIIT Lovers

HIIT can be an excellent cardio tool to improve your cardiovascular fitness and burn a lot of...

Jul 3, 2024

Are Split Routines Better than Full...

Are Split Routines Better than Full Body?

Choosing whether a body part split routine or a full body routine is better can be debated...

Jul 1, 2024

Will women get bulky if they...

Will women get bulky if they lift weights?

It’s been a common misconception that lifting weights will make women bulky. This all stems from a...

Jun 28, 2024

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