Fat Burners are a Waste of...

Fat Burners are a Waste of Money

If you listen to my podcast, Mind Pump, it won’t take long before you hear disdain in...

May 14, 2019

The Most Important Skill For Personal...

The Most Important Skill For Personal Trainers

I remember the first day I worked as a personal trainer vividly. I was an 18-year-old kid...

May 10, 2019

Should You “Confuse” Your Muscles?

Should You “Confuse” Your Muscles?

Within the last 10 years or so, we’ve been told by some people in the fitness industry...

May 7, 2019

The Keto Diet is Making People...

The Keto Diet is Making People Fat

There are literally THOUSANDS of diets out there ranging from somewhat sensible to downright insane. I’ve seen...

May 2, 2019

Best Exercises To Help Grow Your...

Best Exercises To Help Grow Your Shoulders

Trying to build amazing shoulders? Choosing the right exercises is a must. (more…)

May 2, 2019

The Other Best Muscle Building Exercises...

The Other Best Muscle Building Exercises of All Time

If you were to take a survey of 100 experienced fitness coaches, personal trainers and strength experts...

Apr 30, 2019

What is Metabolic Adaptation?

What is Metabolic Adaptation?

Metabolic adaption (MA) is the process by which the body alters how efficient it is at turning...

Apr 25, 2019

The Most Effective Single Step You...

The Most Effective Single Step You Can Take to Lose Fat

Diets. There are literally THOUSANDS of diet books out there and they all promise to get people...

Apr 22, 2019

Sleepy Butt Syndrome is Why Your...

Sleepy Butt Syndrome is Why Your Butt Won’t Grow

We all have body parts that are stubborn. These are areas that just don’t respond to exercise...

Apr 8, 2019

10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong People

10 Characteristics of Emotionally Strong People

When you think of being strong, what immediately comes to mind? If you thought of physical strength,...

Oct 9, 2018

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