Is Resistance Training for Teenagers OK?

Is Resistance Training for Teenagers OK?

There used to be this belief that it was unsafe for teenagers to lift because it might...

Apr 12, 2021

Why Resistance Training is Important for...

Why Resistance Training is Important for Long Term Fat Loss

When people think fat loss and what it takes to achieve it, cardio is the first thing...

Apr 9, 2021

Resistance Training While Traveling

Resistance Training While Traveling

I’ve had a lot of friends and family ask me how I keep up with my workout...

Apr 8, 2021

5 Primary Exercises for Resistance Training

5 Primary Exercises for Resistance Training

If you want to get leaner, stronger and more fit with a sculpted body then you should...

Apr 6, 2021

3 Different Types of Resistance Training

3 Different Types of Resistance Training

Since I started working as a fitness professional in 1997, I have seen the popularity of resistance...

Apr 5, 2021

Resistance Training For Athletes

Resistance Training For Athletes

It wasn’t that long ago that athletes were told to refrain from resistance training because it made...

Apr 2, 2021

Is Resistance Training Better Than Cardio?

Is Resistance Training Better Than Cardio?

There are many different ways to exercise in order to achieve fat loss, to gain a stronger...

Mar 31, 2021

Can Women Benefit from Resistance Training?

Can Women Benefit from Resistance Training?

Some of the worst myths coming from the fitness industry surround women and resistance training. They are...

Mar 30, 2021

Resistance Training Examples

Resistance Training Examples

Resistance training can loosely be defined as exercising with resistance with the intention to build muscle and...

Mar 29, 2021

Are There Disadvantages to Resistance Training?

Are There Disadvantages to Resistance Training?

With resistance training exploding in popularity because of its powerful body sculpting, muscle strengthening, metabolism boosting, fat...

Mar 25, 2021

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