I’ve mentioned this before in my leg workout article, and it applies to any muscle group. Splitting...
Most people like to use cardio strictly for losing weight. They see it as a way to...
NEAT or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis is basically all the movement you do throughout the day (excluding the...
A lot of my female clients love to focus on the cardio aspect more than the weightlifting....
If you are new to weight lifting, it can be easy to get overwhelmed with all the...
Before getting into the specifics of what makes a great leg workout, I’d like to mention that...
Yes. Bodybuilders do cardio. A bodybuilder’s main goal is to focus on whatever gets them to their...
I’ve had a lot of clients asking me if they should be doing a full body routine...
I started lifting when I was about 16 years old. I would say around 15-18 years is...
Resistance bands are such a versatile tool but almost always overlooked. It’s easy to write them off...