Building our biceps can be somewhat frustrating. Maybe you’ve felt you’ve tried everything lately, and don’t see...
Getting a flat stomach is one of the most sought after improvements of the body. I don’t...
There is nothing inherently wrong with a traditional body part split routine. As long as you are...
The concept of bulking is pretty easy. Way easier than dieting. Just eat more right? (more…)
There are so many fad diets, and articles on how to lose weight. You have friends and...
If you are a trainer just starting out, or one that has been in the field for...
The majority of us can stare at a piece of bread and we start to put on...
When a client first signs up with you as a trainer, your goal is to obtain information....
If you are a skinny guy trying to gain some size in the gym for awhile, you’ve...
If we want to achieve true fat loss, we need to be expending more calories than we...