Why Personal Training is a Great Career Choice

Mar 14, 2022 mindpump

A lot of people find themselves hitting health and wellness goals and from this process some spark the idea to want to help others achieve the same. Being a fitness trainer can be a very lucrative, and super fulfilling career path but there are certain key aspects to keep in mind.

Helping Others

Above everything else, this I will assume is the number one reason you’d want to be a personal trainer, and the biggest thing you get out of being a trainer. Nothing is more rewarding than knowing you’ve helped thousands of people hit their goal whether it was to lose weight or gain muscle. You are playing a significant part in another person’s life and in some cases possibly saving it completely. There are not many career paths you can go down where you are not only interacting with a wide variety of people, but have that many opportunities to make such a big impact on their lives. Most people spend their days sitting behind a desk clocking in and out, but as a trainer you get a chance to educate and transform someone’s world.

Every Day is Different

Another reason being a trainer can be a great career choice is that no day is the same. You are always seeing different clients, and potentially training at different locations (in some cases even being outside). If you are like me, the thought of going into the office in a suit and tie everyday to do the same thing just doesn’t exist. In no world did I ever picture myself doing that. Being a trainer gives me the flexibility to build the day however I want. This allows you the autonomy to make your work day fun and love what you do.

Utilizes Creativity

Another aspect I love about being a personal trainer is that you are more or less on your own. By that I mean there isn’t a direct boss whose rules you absolutely have to follow. Even in a big box gym, while there are guidelines to be a trainer, the actual session you have with your clients is totally up to you. This can let you come up with super fun, and potentially innovative workouts where your clients can actually enjoy coming in vs begrudgingly doing so. If you can come up with something (and it’s safe), there is no limit to what you can do. This keeps your days exciting and fresh. Having said this, I will say, don’t go too crazy always giving your clients a new workout. A certain level of consistency is needed to get them to their goals.


Not only did I never see myself wearing a suit and tie, but I wanted the flexibility over my schedule. You can work as many or as little hours as you want. I’ve seen trainers work only 10 hours a week up to 80 hours a week. Some trainers exclusively train clients in the morning and have the rest of the day, while others train people all day every day. This is great because it allows you to build the schedule you want. You aren’t limited to a 9-5 day. The one caveat I will say though, is that when starting out at least, it behooves you to make yourself as available as possible to take on as many clients as possible. You likely haven’t built up the reputation yet to be making or charging a lot, therefore, you want to spend your early years building that up so that you ultimately have control of your schedule.

A Quick Warning

While all the above are great things, and being a trainer can be SUPER lucrative I must give some quick warnings. Trainers do not make a lot starting out (unless you happened to already have a big following who decided to pay you for your services). You’ll have to work a LOT of hours starting out to generate leads, and build a clientele. Even if you DO build that clientele, chances are you are constantly marketing, and generating more leads because clients will come and go. You need a constant pool of people coming in, on the off chance your current clients fall off. There are no guarantees as a trainer. If clients are paying per session, and they don’t show up, that’s zero income for you. While it’s great you can make your own schedule, just remember the hours you aren’t working some other trainer is hustling hard. It’s a matter of CONSTANTLY marketing yourself both online and in person, to make sure you are working on your brand. Most big box gyms don’t pay trainers well. If you can hustle hard, and eventually work to create your own brand and go private, you can make a successful career as a trainer.

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