Muscle size and strength are often synonymous. Most bodybuilders are quite strong, and most of those who...
There are many benefits to being vegan. But first, it’s important to clarify what vegan ACTUALLY means....
“Be Prepared!” - The Lion King I wrote another article (Are You Ready For Your Bodybuilding Competition?)...
Gluten is the proteins found mainly in the grains wheat, barley, and rye. It’s currently a hot...
In today’s fast-paced, time-is-money society, self-care usually gets bumped to the end of our To Do list...especially...
Sensationalist headlines about red meat are EVERYWHERE, proclaiming it’s cancerous effects. Is red meat REALLY that bad?...
Ever wonder why you only feel your shoulders working when you bench press? It’s supposed to be...
Anyone who has been resistance training for awhile is most certainly familiar with the fact that not...
To be successful and helpful as a personal trainer, it is essential to have a good knowledge...
More often than not, I hear what seems like far too many people excited for their “cheat...