Why The Scale Is Not Always...

Why The Scale Is Not Always The Best Way To Measure Progress

We all hate stepping on the scale. No matter your goals, losing or gaining weight, the scale...

Jun 25, 2018

The Top Three Fitness Apps You...

The Top Three Fitness Apps You Should Start Using

Technology has made fitness so much easier. The three most beneficial apps for your fitness journey: MyFitnessPal...

Jun 22, 2018

Why Mobility Is So Important For...

Why Mobility Is So Important For Being Healthy

Being mobile enough is extremely important. It prevents injuries, fixes muscle imbalances, and even helps you build...

Jun 18, 2018

Are Group Fitness Classes Just A...

Are Group Fitness Classes Just A Trend?

Group fitness classes are super popular lately. The boom really started when people realized how enjoyable and...

Jun 15, 2018

How To Properly Incorporate Intermittent Fasting...

How To Properly Incorporate Intermittent Fasting Into Your Diet Plan

When someone mentions intermittent fasting, they are often referring to the pattern of eating where you fast...

Jun 11, 2018

Compound Exercises Vs. Isolation Exercises

Compound Exercises Vs. Isolation Exercises

The gym is a scary, intimidating place. Huge dudes grunting. That girl you follow on Insta doing...

Jun 8, 2018

Weighing The Pros And Cons Of...

Weighing The Pros And Cons Of A Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet is not new but it has been popping up more and more frequently in...

Jun 6, 2018

Should You Cut Sugar From Your...

Should You Cut Sugar From Your Diet?

Sugar is more addictive than cocaineā€¦ -Some clickbait video you scrolled over on Facebook. Clickbait or not,...

Jun 4, 2018

Inner Strength Controls Outer Strength

Inner Strength Controls Outer Strength

To discuss the role that inner strength plays in determining outer strength, I would like to share...

May 28, 2018

Why Spiritual Awareness Means Physical Health

Why Spiritual Awareness Means Physical Health

When it comes to the mind-body connection, there has been much research to suggest that our thoughts...

May 25, 2018

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