Do Bodybuilders do Cardio?

Do Bodybuilders do Cardio?

Yes. Bodybuilders do cardio. A bodybuilder’s main goal is to focus on whatever gets them to their...

Jul 30, 2021

Full Body Routine vs. Split Routine...

Full Body Routine vs. Split Routine for Beginners

I’ve had a lot of clients asking me if they should be doing a full body routine...

Jul 29, 2021

At What Age is it Safe...

At What Age is it Safe to Start Squatting and Deadlifting?

I started lifting when I was about 16 years old. I would say around 15-18 years is...

Jul 28, 2021

What are the Best Resistance Band...

What are the Best Resistance Band Exercises?

Resistance bands are such a versatile tool but almost always overlooked. It’s easy to write them off...

Jul 27, 2021

What Certifications do all Personal Trainers...

What Certifications do all Personal Trainers Need?

Some certifications require more prerequisites than others, and some require a college degree. Here are some rough...

Jul 23, 2021

Can You Put on Muscle by...

Can You Put on Muscle by Working Out at Home?

At home workouts aren't just for people who can’t get to the gym. Believe it or not,...

Jul 22, 2021

Is HIIT the Best Form of...

Is HIIT the Best Form of Exercise for Rapid Fat Loss?

HIIT is a form of cardio where you’ll do 20-30 second bouts of all out effort, followed...

Jul 21, 2021

Be Smart With Your Resistance Training...

Be Smart With Your Resistance Training While Recovering from a Serious Injury

If you’ve suffered an injury, I know it can be frustrating. You are afraid you’ll lose all...

Jul 20, 2021

How to Get Back on Track...

How to Get Back on Track With Resistance Training After a Serious Injury

Panic starts to set in a little if you are an avid lifter, and you suffer from...

Jul 19, 2021

The Effects Lifting Weights Has on...

The Effects Lifting Weights Has on Your Health

Lifting weights doesn’t just have to be about growing bigger muscles. As our learning of the human...

Jul 16, 2021

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