I Lift Weights Every Day – Why Can’t I Gain Muscle?

Oct 20, 2023 mindpump

I’ve had many clients and friends tell me they’re lifting hard every day and not seeing results. A lot of times they get frustrated that they aren’t seeing the reward of all their hard work, wondering why they aren’t hitting their goals. Building muscle can be a challenging journey, and hitting a plateau or sticking point is not uncommon. However, with the right strategies and mindset, you can break through that barrier and get back on track to achieving your muscle-building goals.


The first place to start is how you are eating. If you are not eating in a surplus, or eating enough protein to repair your muscle, then you may find yourself stuck. For most people I find this is their biggest sticking point. Make sure you are hitting 1g/lb bodyweight, and eating above your caloric maintenance. Stick to mostly whole foods, and minimally processed. You can go with your preference of carbohydrates and fats. I find carbohydrates keeps the muscles fuller and provides a quicker fuel source during your workout. The remainder can come from fats which will be better for overall satiety and keeping your testosterone in check.

Are You Progressing?

The next most important piece is your effort in the gym. If you are randomly choosing weights, and sticking to the same thing every time, how can you expect to grow muscle? Doing 1 more rep or 5 lbs more than the last workout will ensure you are sending a new stimulus to the muscle. Our muscles grow because they have to adapt to a new stress being placed on it. If we keep placing the same stress, we won’t continue to grow.

Keeping Good Form

You also want to make sure you are keeping good form. If all you do is chase heavyweight, and use momentum, you’ll find yourself not growing. We need to focus on mind muscle connection and make sure the muscles that are supposed to fire for that particular exercise are in fact doing so. Without proper form, we increase the risk of injury. Focusing on building tension within the given muscle will stimulate growth. 


Another factor to consider is periodization. We don’t want to spend all our time ONLY doing the same rep range or volume. If you find yourself having spent all your time within the same parameters, try mixing it up. It is a small tweak that can be a powerful stimulus change for new growth.


While we must follow all the advice above, consistency is key. You must be going to the gym, and eating appropriately for months and months. Building muscle isn’t a 3 week endeavor. It’s a lifestyle change and so we must make sure we are following a program and nutrition program. We can see ourselves following 6 months from now and beyond. Be mindful of overtraining and make sure to get 8-9 hours of sleep every night to allow time for your muscles to grow.

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