How do I Know if I Have Low Testosterone?

Jul 19, 2023 mindpump

Individuals with low testosterone will report feeling low energy, and struggling to put on size. This is the result of their testosterone levels dropping below a normal range. The end result can be decreased muscle mass, moodiness, sexual dysfunction, and fatigue.  

Decreased Muscle and Energy

We need healthy levels of testosterone in order to maintain and grow muscle. If you are getting enough sleep, and eating proper amounts of protein, carbs, and fats, and still struggling to put on muscle tissue, low testosterone levels could be a cause.

Alongside bad gym performance, you would also feel consistent fatigue. As if you have no energy in the gym because you are always so tired. You might even be pushing hard in the gym and just still not seeing the numbers go up despite everything else.

Sexual Dysfunction

A general sign of a male with healthy testosterone levels is a good libido. You would notice a decrease in sex drive, or getting erections. Some report no longer getting an erection in the morning (which testosterone doctors say is a way to tell where your levels are at). Keep in mind, this wouldn’t be the sole cause and effect, but simply something to be aware of.

Bone Density

Having low testosterone levels may also show in the form of weak or brittle bones. Having a history of easily breaking bones or having osteoporosis in the family may be a sign.  

Body Fat and Mood

Some may see an increase in body fat, particularly around the stomach area. This would be DESPITE eating properly and getting good sleep. Again, we want to make sure we are moving the big rocks first – getting enough sleep, eating enough protein, and remaining active not sitting around all day.

Low testosterone levels can leave individuals feeling irritable and having mood swings. If you find you have quick shifts in your mood that you can’t figure out why, it may be worth talking to a doctor.

If you find you may have low testosterone levels overall, I highly recommend seeing a doctor who can do the proper blood work and correctly assess if you have testosterone levels below the normal range. If so, they will have you go on exogenous testosterone to get your levels back up to where they need to be.

Having low testosterone can have a huge impact on someone’s overall health and well-being. It is important to correctly identify the root cause of your situation whether it be having low levels, or something else. Don’t try to guess and play doctor. Seek a professional who can narrow down what is happening.

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