Does Low Testosterone Contribute to Low Energy Level?

Jul 3, 2023 mindpump

A lot of people can report feeling very quickly fatigued, as if they never have any energy. Having low testosterone levels could be a cause of this. Today, we’ll go over how having low testosterone can contribute to low energy levels. 

Energy Levels

Testosterone is a hormone produced by both men and women, but in much higher quantities in men. It plays a role in aiding muscle growth, reproduction, and bone density. When your testosterone levels are low, it can negatively affect your energy production, and thus progress in the gym. Many men will report training hard, but never seeing any gains or their lifts go up.


Sleep is very important for both muscle growth, and efficiently cleaning out the body of unused proteins and waste. When testosterone levels are low, it can disturb sleep patterns. This will negatively affect our REM and deep sleep which are important for memory consolidation and metabolism.


Testosterone is the anabolic hormone that allows for muscle growth. When guys go on steroids, they usually take an external form of testosterone. When your levels aren’t up to par, it can hinder your gains. Without enough free testosterone floating around, your body isn’t getting enough of a signal to grow compared to normal individuals.


Low levels can also contribute to moodiness. Feelings of irritability, depression, or low motivation may occur. This can lead to a further sense of low energy or fatigue.

It is important above all else to seek a professional if you feel you have low levels of testosterone. Only they can properly perform a blood test to see where you are actually at. There is a pretty wide range of what is considered normal for men. That doesn’t necessarily mean you are optimal.

If being treated, many doctors will prescribe testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). This involves supplementing your body with testosterone so that you can get back up to normal to higher levels. This will significantly help to bring down the fatigue and make you feel as though you got your energy back. If you do have low levels, you should notice relatively quickly that your gym performance improves and overall mood. As always, pursue this option with caution. It is not a quick fix, and it may involve the long term use of having to inject yourself.

If you do not want to seek that option right away, there are other more holistic options you can try. Improving your sleep (7-9 hours), eating properly, and living a more active lifestyle are all big rocks you can move that will help improve your testosterone levels. A lot of times, people just aren’t taking care of their health and want to jump to the “quick fix”. Nothing will replace getting high quality sleep and putting good food in your body.

Make sure you are eating 1g/lb of body weight in protein. If you are not seeing progress in the gym, it could be because you aren’t eating the right nutrients to recover. Make sure you are eating enough minimally processed, whole food to replenish the body in carbs and fats. Also make sure to be eating in maintenance or surplus.


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