Do I Need a Personal Trainer to Achieve my Weight Loss Goals?

Feb 6, 2023 mindpump

It’s not a requirement for having a personal trainer. Many individuals on their fitness journey’s have found success losing weight or putting on muscle through experimenting on their own. For the majority though, having a personal trainer can be the difference of seeing the results you want or not.


Let’s face it. We all know what we SHOULD be eating and doing. The issue isn’t usually figuring out what to do. It is actually following through. Not just for one day, but consistently. Hiring a personal trainer is perfect for this. Most diets fail because people don’t want to accept the harsh truth which is that we won’t stick to our own rules if we don’t have to. It’s hard to not overeat, or drink that beer when no ones there to report to. A good trainer provides that check-in system that will keep you honest, and make sure you stay on track day in and day out.

A trainer is also great for helping you stay motivated. We can all motivate ourselves to some extent, but that soon fades. It’s those rainy days, where you worked all day, stress is at an all time high, and you don’t feel like working out. THAT’S when you want a trainer who can have your back, and give you the advice and training that you need for that moment. They are a resource to be available to you beyond the one hour you spend with them in the gym, to answer any questions or confusion you might have.


A great trainer will also know how to adapt to your schedule. I’ve been programming for clients and myself for over 15 years and I still have some months where I just have too many things going on and it becomes an arduous task to try and keep changing my program to fit in. Those are the times I wish I had someone else looking over my programming and just adjusting for me so I didn’t have to worry about it.

Whether you are going on vacation, going overboard for the holidays, or having a baby, life can get in the way. It’s nice to feel confident in knowing that you have a trainer there who can adapt to those variables and still give you the best workout program for that moment.

No Guesswork

Unless you are willing to spend the years and years, self experimenting, and really taking on the journey of lifting and figuring out what works best for your body, just outsource it! I just happened to love that journey, so I didn’t mind, but most people don’t. If you are worrying about the cost, just remember time is just as valuable. How much time is saved by having an expert take the guesswork out? They will ensure you safely execute each exercise, and have a gameplan to actually hit your goals.

They can customize the program specifically to your needs. If you had any previous injuries that need to be dealt with, they can incorporate that into your regimen.


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