Best Workouts for Women to Build Their Butt

Apr 27, 2023 mindpump

Before I get into the good stuff, I’m first going to address how you should NOT train to build bigger glutes.


Step off the treadmill, elliptical, and even stair master; any type of cardio will not grow the glutes. By implementing cardio into your routine, you are targeting Type 1 muscle fibers, which are not conducive for growth; rather, they function to maintain endurance levels. Runners and cyclists who go for hours are utilizing their Type 1 muscle fibers to get them through their workout or race. The energy derived from Type 2 muscle fibers simply doesn’t last long (think a few seconds to 1 minute). So if you want growth, you need to train for strength and power.

HIIT Workouts

You might think adding weight or explosive movements to your HIIT workout might help, but if you’re alternating short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods until the point of exhaustion, you’re not doing it right. Yes, you want an anaerobic-style of lifting to grow the glutes, but most people perform HIIT-style workouts to burn fat and calories. So in a sense, HIIT workouts are considered more of a cardio workout.


You might be activating your glutes during yoga or Pilates, but you’re not sending a signal to these muscles to grow. As mentioned, endurance requires recruitment of Type 1 muscle fibers, and yoga and Pilates workouts do not get intense enough, or provide enough resistance, to get your glutes to grow. These types of workouts utilize more Type 1 muscle fibers than Type 2. I’m not knocking on these workouts in any way, but they will not produce an anabolic response for muscle growth. Remember, we want muscle!

The best workout to build your butt is through resistance training.

We say it all the time, but lifting weights is absolutely necessary for muscle-building, and the glutes are no exception.

So what do you need to consider if you want to build the best bum?


Squats, deadlifts, good mornings, hip thrusts, and lunges are your number one companion. Exercises like donkey kicks and leg abduction exercises don’t do the trick, but there is a time and a place for them (I’ll explain in a bit).


You are not training for endurance, you are training for growth. If you are completing more than 15 reps, that is too many; even 12–15 reps could be too much for some, depending on their current fitness level. You don’t need to train for one-rep maxes, but you do need reps to be on the lower end. Six to 15 is the typical rep range to initiate a muscle-building response. If you can go into the next set with less than 30 seconds of rest in between, the weight is too light. Don’t be afraid to lift heavy! As I’ve mentioned, donkey kicks and leg abduction exercises like monster walks are not intense enough; they are high-rep exercises that don’t enhance muscle size. However, these exercises are great to prime the glutes before your workout to ensure you are recruiting, or firing, the glutes properly.


If glutes are your main area of focus, you should be training them 3–4 days a week. You want to allow a recovery period in between your workouts, but probably not more than two days in between. Studies show that protein-synthesis peaks at 48 hours after a workout, but then rapidly drops after that. During your workout, aim for at least 6–9 sets of exercises that emphasis the glutes.  


Ladies, you need to eat. This isn’t an excuse to eat whenever or whatever you want, but you’re not going to build your glutes by eating less than 1,500 calories a day. Muscle needs energy–aka calories–to grow and maintain. Without them, muscle atrophy occurs. It is hard to say exactly how many calories you should be eating because every individual will have different needs, but aim to consume at least 20% of your calories from protein. If you already are, try to increase it to 25% of your total calories.  

If you need more help building the butt of your dreams, we’ve got you covered. I recommend checking out the Build Your Butt Bundle, which includes must-have tips, exercise programs, and resources to implement into your current routine.


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