Did you know back pain is one of the most common types of pain you will find in western developed nations? In America alone, about a ⅓ of Americans suffer low back pain. That is a ton of people!
As concerning as it is, it is not deemed unexpected when you take a look at America and our daily habits. Nowadays, Americans spend extensive amounts of time sitting and doing tasks like driving to work, sitting at a desk, watching movies on the couch, etc. We spend so much time sitting… and when you sit, you disengage your core muscles. Your spine is made up of so many joints, but these clusters of joints do not support themselves. What do you think supports the spine? The core!
The problem is that most people don’t know how to correctly stabilize their core. They attempt to strengthen their abs by doing core exercises, but instead end up solely using their hip flexors. This usually ends up making your back pain worse because you’re overworking your already tight hip flexor muscles. The majority of people’s back pain is not because they are injured; the back may not even be the real problem. The problem is often related to a weakened core.
So, we’re going to talk about a few simple daily habits and correctional exercises you can start implementing to ease your back pain.
Daily habits that will help the most common causes of back pain include:
Now, here are a few correctional exercises that will help alleviate back and hip pain. These movements will also help you learn to properly engage your core. This is extremely important as this will help keep your spine stabilized and functional. Now, go give these a try!
Hip Bridges: How To Fix “Low Back” Pain
Dead Bug: 3 Exercises To Decrease Lower Back Pain
Banded Dead Bug (Modification): 3 Exercises To Decrease Lower Back Pain