1564: The Benefit of Multiple Short Workouts Throughout the Day, How to Overcome Chronic Hip Pain, Ways to Maintain Cardio While Training for Muscle & Strength & More (Listener Live Coaching)
May 29, 2021
In this episode of Quah (Q & A), Sal, Adam & Justin answer five Pump Head questions via Zoom.
Grappa, the chicken nuggets of alcohol. (4:21)
Zbiotics, it’s so effective it’s dangerous. (8:18)
The Mind Pump criteria for partnerships. (10:14)
When a shark vomiting a human arm solves a crime mystery. (19:42)
Mind Pump Debates: Faith versus science. (24:55)
Mind Pump Recommends, Heaven’s Gate: The Cult of Cults on HBO Max. (30:44)
The creatine benefits surrounding depression and muscle preservation. (36:56)
New product alert from ChiliPad! (42:03)
#Quah question #1 – Are there any changes or modifications I can make to MAPS Performance to enhance my abilities in my particular sport? (45:04)
#Quah question #2 – What would be a good strength training program to do after an intense stint in endurance training for a half-ironman? (57:02)
#Quah question #3 – What would be your advice for someone who suffers from an autoimmune condition, to start working out again? (1:06:30)
#Quah question #4 – Are there benefits of multiple short workouts throughout the day? (1:16:36)
#Quah question #5 – What are some ways to overcome chronic hip pain? (1:25:40)