Seven-Time Mr. Olympia Winner Phil Heath
Dropping the scale and living life. (1:10)
Uncle Phil. (7:35)
Breaking down his attachment to basketball. (10:01)
His path into bodybuilding. (19:15)
When did he get into strict bodybuilding? (25:21)
His mentality on taking gear to enhance his physique. (30:50)
Bringing pleasure to his soul. (36:50)
Did he make bodybuilding an idol? (40:33)
His experience with intestinal strangulation. (45:15)
His relationship with Jay Cutler. (49:29)
Is the rivalry with Kai Greene still there? (53:56)
Ahead of the curve when it comes to recovery modalities. (59:03)
The biggest missing piece when it comes to longevity. (1:04:10)
The challenge with body dysmorphia in bodybuilding. (1:09:58)
Making a change with his name and voice. (1:18:29)
Does he have a favorite era of bodybuilding? (1:27:44)
Is he a fan of the classic? (1:33:02)
The golden era of strength training. (1:36:00)
The ultimate gym social experiment. (1:39:07)
Practicing mindfulness and coming into faith. (1:43:21)
Coaches being more famous than the athlete. (1:49:05)
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MuscleSound | Point-of-Care Software to Diagnose Malnutrition
Featured Guest/People Mentioned
Phil Heath (@philheath) Instagram
Tim Grover (@timgrover) Instagram
Jay Cutler (@jaycutler) Instagram
Ronnie Coleman (@ronniecoleman8) Instagram
Arnold Schwarzenegger (@schwarzenegger) Instagram
Kai Greene (@kaigreene) Instagram
Bret Weinstein (@bret.weinstein) Instagram
Dorian Yates (@thedorianyates) Instagram
Chris Bumstead (@cbum) Instagram
Logan Franklin (@logan_franklin) Instagram