Heal Your Cavities & Fix Your Teeth with Functional Dentistry Dr. Staci Whitman
Functional vs. Conventional dentistry. (1:48)
Can you change the microbiome to be more positive for oral health? (5:26)
Are cavities reversible? (11:59)
Is dentistry a scam? (13:58)
Why have wisdom teeth become a problem? (21:01)
Why dentistry would be DEAD if Big Food changed. (28:20)
Should we avoid fluoride? (30:32)
How bad is mouthwash? (41:38)
My gums bleed, what should I do? (45:06)
Why you can’t have a healthy mouth without a healthy gut. (49:57)
I grind my teeth, what does that mean? (51:00)
Peptides and oral health. (53:03)
What’s the deal with Tom’s? (53:57)
How developed is the field of Functional Dentistry? (58:00)
What motivated her to move outside conventional dentistry? (1:00:46)
Anything we can do exercise-wise to strengthen our teeth? (1:03:52)
Bad breath and drug use. (1:06:39)
Why she is not a fan of juice. (1:08:50)
Milk is good for oral health. (1:12:50)
What is the biggest pushback she gets from her colleagues? (1:14:07)
The history of water fluoridation. (1:16:54)
Is she hopeful about the government’s direction? (1:22:04)
The top 5 holistic approaches to good oral hygiene. (1:24:13)
Feed Your Good Guys. (1:30:03)
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Featured Guest/People Mentioned
Dr. Anastacia (“Staci”) Whitman (@doctor_staci) Instagram
Dr. Stephen Cabral (@stephencabral) Instagram
Mark Hyman, M.D. (@drmarkhyman) Instagram
Steven Lin (@drstevenlin) Instagram
Vani Hari | Food Babe (@thefoodbabe) Instagram
Dr. Mark Burhenne | Dentist (@askthedentist) Instagram